Health & Support

Total Safety Culture

As employees of Union Pacific, we are fully dedicated to safety. Our involvement in the Total Safety Culture (TSC) program, which we voluntarily manage and own, underscores our focus on training, observation, and feedback as fundamental components of our commitment to maintaining a safe working environment"

Friend to Friend Network

For Active and Retired Union Pacific Employees, the Friend to Friend Network supports an average of five Railroad families in need every day. Deductions can be made either through a monthly payroll system or as a one-time contribution. Assistance applications are open to any Union Pacific employee, retiree, or their family members (spouse or child) facing medical or dwelling-related emergencies. Ambassadors are encouraged to submit their details for access to further resources. For any inquiries regarding applications, please reach out to a committee member.

Asbestos Information

Railroad workers are exposed to many harmful substances at work, but few have affected so many as asbestos. Asbestos has been widely used by railroads in many forms, including as insulation on steam and diesel locomotives.

Railroad repair shops and buildings frequently contained many types of asbestos products. Steam engines were covered from end to end with asbestos insulation. The engine rooms of diesel engines contained asbestos pipe covering on many parts of the engine. Many diesel engines had steam generators that were covered with asbestos, exposing engineers to this hazardous material.

Asbestos has been used in boiler insulation, steam generators, pipe covering, cabooses, gaskets, electrical panels, wallboard, plaster, and brake shoes, just to name a few. As a result, many railroad workers may have been exposed to this toxic and carcinogenic substance and not even known it.

Some even brought it home on their work clothes, exposing family members who handled their laundry to asbestos.

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Suffering with addiction or depression? Contact a Peer Support team member. They can assist in getting you information, support or resources needed to get help.

Substance Abuse
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